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10:48 a.m. - 2011-10-20
An Erotic Evening
I snuggled up to DJ on the sofa. There was nothing sexual about it, we just snuggled. Umm, I�ll revise the �sexual� statement; my step-son and I did absolutely nothing sexual � all we did was snuggle platonically�.

This didn�t stop me from being terribly, terribly sexually aroused but the truth is that DJ had little to do with my state of excitement. The �blame� (or maybe �cause� is a more accurate word) for my heart beating like a drum was the sight of Sandra and a friend of hers, Suzie, working each other up on the living room floor.

They were both wearing identically styled baby dolls, Suzie�s in black and Sandra�s in pale blue. For the best part of an hour they had been exchanging whisper-soft kisses and fingertip touches and had now progressed to blatantly sexual play that would do credit to a triple-X lesbian feature film.

For the longest time, Sandra used Suzie�s fattest vibrator on her friend and due to the prolonged sensual preceding activities it didn�t take long for Suzie to reach the heavens. Sandra didn�t permit her the luxury of a break as she continued to probe with the favoured toy and although Suzie did reach another orgasm it was obviously going to be her last for a little while.

Sandra merely removed the vibrator and then crawled up Suzie�s body until she could lower herself onto her friend�s mouth. My goodness, I so badly wanted to join in or, as a very secondary preference, at least masturbate or something! For once I was almost regretting DJ�s presence but maybe that�s being a little too harsh and not at all fair on one of the loveliest men in the world.

Good fortune was on my side in a perverse kind of way. Sandra settled over Suzie and although I didn�t exactly time it I would say that Sandra peaked inside a minute. As Sandra rolled onto the floor DJ and I had the fabulous sight of the two girls laying side-by-side in their pretty flimsies and both heaving deeply after their exertions. I make no apologies for stating that I find such a scenario very, very stimulating and � oh to hell with it, I�ll admit it and say clearly that I was turned on!

Once their breathing had returned to something resembling �normal� they both knelt and, without any words from anyone, shuffled towards us. Hence my good fortune; I promptly had my satin nightgown raised to my tummy by Suzie whilst DJ had his dressing gown parted by his fianc�.

I admit that I haven�t a clue if DJ came in Sandra�s mouth or not; I was busy. Well I was lounging back with my eyes closed while Suzie�s tongue drove me twice around Venus and once around Mars and I think this could be described as �busy�.

I was late going to bed and I didn�t care. I�m at work now, writing this � and I still don�t care. Yes, I�m a little tired but I can�t blame that entirely on two hours less sleep than usual

My continuing thanks for reading my diary � thank you.



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